Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New SkateChurch Pictures Taken at Ripzu

Wall ride on the vert wall............................Kick flip over stair gap on bank

Skating the step-up......................................Nice stall on the miniramp

Ollie air out of quarter pipe into bank.........Airing over coping on miniramp

Kickflip rock to fakie on miniramp..................FS 180 off of the ledge

Sticker-slapping the vert wall....................Rock to fakie on the miniramp


Skaters gather to hear Bible teaching...........Teaching through gospel of Mark

Small groups discuss the teaching

Christian teaching from Mark

Small group interacting with staff.............Small group meets on other side

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First SkateChurch Night at Ripzu Skatepark

First SkateChurch Night at Ripzu Skatepark
Last night we had our first ever FacePlant SkateChurch at the new Ripzu Skatepark in Vancouver, Washington. It went really well and we had a good turnout of over 20 youth...many new faces since we;ve been gone overseas for the last couple of years, but some familiar faces of young people who we have led to Christ in the years past.
Pam, Leanne, Chad, Lyndse and I all helped check the kids in as we added a step in the process by the youth having to have a Ripzu waiver completed and signed by a parent. Tonight, seeing as it was the first night in the new facility, we handed out raffle tickets to all the skaters who paid at the front and raffled off sticker packs, t-shirts and a snowboarding DVD. James, Ricky and Curtis who are other staff members all hung out with the youth as well. Even Brett, senior pastor of Whipple Creek Church brought his two sons to skate. Brett (as well as the rest of us) are stoked that Whipple Creek Church has now officially gone multi-campus.
Ripzu Skatepark has two sections. The bigger section has a sweet mini-ramp/partial bowl with a vert-wall with banks, stairs, hubba and step-up. The smaller section has a spine, quarter pipes on both sides, a small picnic bench section in the middle as well as a box and rail that we let them use from FacePlant Ministries. We all skated for the first hour and a half or so, then gathered together in the smaller section for the Bible teaching. I taught about the sacrifice that God the Father made for us by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for us by using an illustration:
A father who was a draw bridge operator had brought his only son to work with him one day. The father showed his son around the place and then just let him run around wherever he wanted to while he operated the draw bridge. The father got the call to lower the draw bridge as a passenger train was on it's way, so he began to close the draw bridge. As the draw bridge began to close, he heard the sound of his son screaming as he had gotten his body caught in the huge gears that opens and closes the draw bridge. The father had to make a decision on the spot as to whether he would stop the draw bridge, save his own son, and allow the train to de-rail, killing all the passengers on board OR to sacrifice his own son, allowing the gears to crush him to death while the train with its' passengers crossed safely to the other side. The father let the draw bridge close as he heard the gears literally crush his son to death and and he looked into the windows of the train that was crossing with tears in his eyes, he saw some different scenarios. In one window he saw a heroin junky shooting up. In another window he saw an employer committing adultery with on of his employees. In another window he saw a middle school skater talking back to his parents. In another window he saw a high school student losing her virginity. The sacrifice the father had made by giving up his only son was for people who had no clue what they were being saved from and who were living lives quite different from the young, innocent boy who had lost his life in exchange for theirs.
The Scriptures say that "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." We are like the folks on that train who have been provided a way of salvation through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross...His life in exchange for ours. All we must do is believe in Him, confess our sins to Him, and ask Him into our lives. ONE YOUNG PERSON last night did just that. He raised his hand and asked Jesus Christ into his heart. What a wonderful way to start off this new era of FacePlant SkateChurch! We will be continuing to teach the young people about who Jesus is by teaching through the gospel of Mark on Monday nights. And the cool thing is, it won't just be me teaching, as was the case for the most part during the first three years of SkateChurch. Our other staff members and interns (who gave their lives to Christ through SkateChurch and are now adults being raised up to lead SkateChurch into the future) will be on a rotation every week. AND we will be having small groups and small group qustions again every week, which makes it more of an intimate setting where the youth can be free to dialogue and ask questions. We are super-excited as FacePlant SkateChurch continues to be a vital ministry to the youth skateboarding community of Vancouver, Washington.
A huge shout-out to Chris for opening up Ripzu Skatepark to us at FacePlant Ministries and partnering with us. Only good things to come from this partnership.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

Thursday, September 16, 2010

SkateChurch MOVING to Ripzu Skatepark

FacePlant Sk8Church is MOVING to Ripzu Skatepark
Thats right! Beginning September 20th FacePlant SkateChurch will be meeting at Ripzu Skatepark. Check out the flier below for details:

Monday, September 13, 2010

FP SkateChurch RE-CAP, Jan 2009-Aug 2010

FP SkateChurch RE-CAP, January 2009-August 2010
Aiden Franklin took the reins of FacePlant Ministries in January 2009 as Christian Jung, founder, and his family moved overseas as missionaries. Aiden served as SkateChurch pastor until he and his wife moved to Texas in April 2010 where he has family. During that time SkateChurch went through some transition. This always happens as ministries take on the flavor of those who lead the ministry. During this time SkateChurch changed from meeting on Thursday nights to meeting on Tuesday nights. The structure stayed similar, where there was always skating and Bible teaching, in fact, during those 15 months more than 10 young people gave their lives to Christ. The sponsored team transitioned more into a group who hung out with Aiden, going to many skateparks together and doing a second California skate tour for one week during Summer 2009. Small groups at SkateChurch began to happen every other week and then tapering off altogether to where it was more of a verse by verse Bible teaching. Aiden was super-pastoral with the youth who came out to SkateChurch and was, and still is a friend to everyone. The numbers of youth at SkateChurch have always fluxuated over the years. Many new kids came out and numbers leveled out to around 30 kids every Tuesday night.
After Aiden moved, Joe Popi and Steve Miller ran SkateChurch for the next couple of months with a rotation of speakers including Ricky and Curtis. Chad Stevens took the reins at SkateChurch and has been overseeing it until now. Another skater named Zach Barazowski also helped out from the days when Aiden was SkateChurch pastor through when Chad was running SkateChurch. Some new ramps were given to FacePlant Ministries by Bad Monkey Skate Shop recently. Neither Joe, Steve or Chad are skaters themselves and have done a great job to help SkateChurch keep running.
Christian Jung and his family have moved back to Vancouver from Africa on furlough from missions in August 2010 and will return to the foreign mission field again. He will be taking the riens once again in hopes to take FacePlant Ministries and SkateChurch to the next level, while getting back to the roots of the early FacePlant days where hundreds of kids would come, skate, and give their lives to Christ. Through all of the transitions, God has continued to use FacePlant Ministries to His glory. Thank you all, who have been a part of this great movement.
Ricky Brewer, Brian Worcester, Curtis Christensen and Christian Jung

Here Are some Pic of the last 2 Years

more to come