Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Passing The Mantle

Passing The Mantle.
In the Old Testament we read about some pretty cool people. Two of those people were Elijah and Elisha. Both of them were prophets of God. Elijah was a man of God who performed many miracles and shared God's message with people. When Elijah's time was up, it was time to find someone to take his place in ministry. His replacement's name was Elisha. Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing that God had upon Elijah's life that empowered him to do many miracles and tell many people God's message. Elijah was actually taken up to heaven without dying. When he was taken up, Elijah's mantle fell off of him. Elisha picked up Elijah's mantle and received a double portion of the anointing that was on Elijah's life.
I have been blessed to be the person who happened to be in the right place at the right time to spearhead FacePlant Ministries. I have been the SkateChurch Pastor for the last three years. We have seen God do many miraculous things at FacePlant Ministries. We've seen over 200 young people give their lives to Jesus Christ and ask Him into their lives. We have seen miraculous healings when we have prayed for the sick. We have seen many skaters even receive gifts of the Holy Spirit. More recently, we have seen our sponsored skaters leading their peers in prayer to receive Jesus Christ. We've been on many road trips to many skateparks in Ol' Bessy. We've seen many Taco Bell hot sauce on car handle incidents, along with other crazy practical jokes I won't mention. We've had good times and not so good times. But overall, we've had the time of our life.
I am passing on the mantle to my good friend, Aiden Franklin, as my family and I are leaving to be full-time missionaries in Poland and then in Africa. I pray for a double portion of what God has done at FacePlant Ministries over the past few years to be upon Aiden. I pray that our sponsored skaters and other skaters from SkateChurch will blaze new trails in the Kingdom of God. I pray that someday, we will be able to meet up again, when we return to visit after a few years. If not, I look forward to meeting around the throne of God someday in heaven. I feel so blessed and so unworthy to have been a part of something so great. I love you guys and will never forget you. My last Sunday will be this Sunday, January 18th. I would love for you guys to come to our church service at Whipple Creek Church this Sunday from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm to say goodbye. We are going to have cake, too. Plus you will get to see my cry like a baby as I say goodbye to you. If you have ever been a part of FacePlant Ministries in any way, we would love to have you out. I know that the message of Jesus Christ has impacted many of your lives and I know that what He has done in your lives is going to be a great foundation for which you will build the rest of your lives upon.
Your friend forever,
Christian Jung

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