Tuesday, October 12, 2010

More And More Youth Coming Every Week

FacePlant SkateChurch Grows In Numbers
That's right! We are super-stoked at the growth we are seeing at FacePlant SkateChurch every week. We have been meeting at Ripzu Skate Park for one month now, and the amount of paying skaters has gone up literally every week:
Week #1: 18
Week #2: 21
Week #3: 24
Week #4: 27
These numbers don't include staff, interns or spectators. Now we're not all hung up on numbers at FacePlant Ministries, but it is still exciting to us that more and more youth are coming out to SkateChurch every week. A buzz is being created, and rightly so. FacePlant SkateChurch freakin' rocks, man. We have so much fun skating, learning and talking about God, and skating some more. Our small groups are going well. Another young man gave his life to Christ two weeks ago, making two kids giving their lives to Christ since we started meeting at Ripzu. Our staff and interns are on a rotation teaching through the gospel of Mark. Ricky spoke on Mark 1:14-20 last night. We measure success at FacePlant Ministries not on how many kids come out to SkateChurch every week, but how many lives are changed. So please pray for us at FacePlant Ministries, that we would continue to see this kind of success.
I have been filming and will be putting out a new SkateChurch video pretty soon. So keep an eye out for that, as well as news about a skate competition we will have at Ripzu on a Monday night coming up in December. You won't want to miss it. Check out some new pics from Ripzu below.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

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