Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Teaching the Cub Scouts about Skateboarding and Safety

Teaching the Cub Scouts about Skateboarding and Safety
So Brett asked if a few of us from FacePlant Ministries could come out to the Cub Scouts in Vancouver, WA and teach them about skateboarding and safety so that they could earn their Skateboarding Belt Loop. Brian, Jonas and I taught three groups of Scouts and even had them put on helmets and skate a little. It was a lot of fun. Brett handed out the Skateboarding Belt Loops after each kid passed the safety section and actually rode a skateboard.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor


  1. SO HAPPY TO SEE THIS!!! LOVE you guys, glad you are back Christian

  2. Thanks man. I heard you are in town. I can't wait to be there for the dedication of your precious daughter tomorrow at church!
