Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Battle Royale and Another Seven

Harvest Time at FacePlant SkateChurch
The fun continues at FacePlant SkateChurch on Monday nights. This past two weeks we saw seven more skaters come to Christ. 5 kids gave their lives to Christ over a week ago after James taught on Jesus calming the storm from Mark 4:35-41. We also broke up into small groups and prayed for eachother as almost all of the kids said that they had "storms" going on at home. Many, if not most of the skateboarding youth community here in Vancouver, Washington come from broken homes. So it is amazing to be able to support one another and pray for eachother at SkateChurch every week. 2 more kids made first time decisions to follow Jesus last night as Ricky spoke on the man possessed by a legion of demons from Mark 5:1-20. We are seeing a mighty harvest of youth coming to Christ. So far we have seen 25 youth come to Christ in 2011 alone. That makes at least 265 young people who have prayed to receive Jesus Christ since we started SkateChurch in 2006. To the best of my knowledge, here is the breakdown of salvations every year at SkateChurch:
2006 - 80 first time decisions to follow Christ
2007 - 83 first time decisions to follow Christ
2008 - 58 first time decisions to follow Christ
2009 - 10 first time decisions to follow Christ
2010 - 9 first time decisions to follow Christ
2011 - 25 first time decisions to follow Christ
2006 to 2011 - 265 first time decisions to follow Christ
Maybe it sounds a bit repetitive when we write about youth placing their faith in Jesus Christ week in and week out, but to us, this is the main reason FacePlant SkateChurch exists. Every time one of these skaters raises their hand and prays with us, inviting Jesus Christ into their lives, the angels are partying in heaven as new names are being added to the Book of Life. So we like to party with the angels over these young skaters, many of which wouldn't darken the doors of a normal church. Hope you can celebrate with us!
On another note, the guys continue to find ways to amuse themselves. They now have a game they have made up on the mini-pipe called, "Battle Royale." They all drop in and skate the mini-pipe at the same time, trying to knock eachother off their boards (it's okay parents, haven't had any injuries). The last man standing wins. Fun stuff.
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

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