Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Seven More Youth Come To Christ

Seven More Youth Come To Christ
We have really seen some amazing things take place during the 21 days of prayer and fasting at Whipple Creek Church. One thing we were specifically praying for as a church is a harvest of souls coming into the Kingdom of God. We've just recently seen seven more youth come to Christ over the past few weeks. On January 17th Zach taught from Mark 4:21-25. After his message four youth raised their hands and prayed to receive Christ. The following week, on January 24th Chad spoke on ark 4:26-29 and three more youth not only raised their hands and invited Christ into their lives, but did so publically in front of their peers. Our staff and interns are on a teaching rotation so that not one person has to have the responsibility of giving the Bible lesson every week. I am so proud of our FacePlant SkateChurch staff and applaud them for the wonderful job they are doing in studying, preparing and delivering the message week in and week out.
Please Invite People To FacePlant SkateChurch
I would like to take a moment and just ask that you would invite any skater you know to come out to FacePlant SkateChurch on Monday nights. Chris Gilbert has so graciously allowed us to use their skate park every Monday night. Our attendance seems to always fluxuate; some weeks we have 15 skaters and other weeks we have over 40 skaters. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who attends and when. One thing we really need to have in order for it to be worthwhile for Ripzu to continue to let us utilize their facilities is an attendance of at least 30 skaters at FacePlant SkateChurch every Monday night; at least if we want to keep the cost down to $4 per skater every Monday night. Ripzu Skate Park has an overhead and it has to make sense in order for them to be able to pay their lease payment and utilities. So this is just a call to invite friends to come and skate, as well as a challenge to all the regulars; if you call this your church home, please do all that you can to make it out consistantly on Monday nights, not only to keep our costs down, but because you are probably missing out on something that God has for you if you aren't getting fellowship anywhere else. We care about you and want you to continue to grow in your walk with God. There are so many times that skaters are encouraged by a teaching or by being prayed for by their peers during small group interaction. Anyhoo...hope to see you guys as much as possible. We love all of you!!! =)
Christian Jung
FP SkateChurch Pastor

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